Friday, September 14, 2007

John Bond, portrait of a B movie director - day 2

Production diary

Colin who is playing 'John Bond' is back from Spain. We started with some general shots.
All done in Cambridge early in the morning just after sun rise and before going to work.

We are looking for a 1960-70's look. Colin is walking in some old industrial part of the city. The team for this early morning is me, Punaketu who is assisting me with the camera and Colin of course. We moved very quickly around the train station and in a hour all the establishing shots are done.

Later, the full team is gathering in a disused quarry to shoot some more action. I am using a Minolta Super 8 camera with some Kodachrome film.

We have a lot of light and we want to take advantage of the nice colours we are getting from this stock.

The location is ideal for the set of a B movie film. Our extra today will be playing our film crew.
I start filming the crew arriving on location.

Then some shots of people working and getting ready. Simon who was Colin's double on the first day of filming is playing one of the cameraman.

The main scene in the quarry is shot. Punaketu is playing one of aliens. 'John Bond' is directing the scene.

In this scene, our alien is loosing his temper and leave the set.

Simon is setting our 16 mm camera, a very nice Eclair from the 1960's belonging to Tony (He's playing the role of the B movie producer).

Our complete team (Thierry, director - Anna, script girl - Punaketu, the alien - Colin, John Bond, the B movie director and simon, the cameraman)

In our next scene, we are joined by Tony and his friend who is lending us his 1950's american car.

In this scene, John Bond is meeting his producer and his talking about his next project "The naked vampyre "

We are filming in the car. As it's the evening the light is just low enough to film with extra light.

We have just enough light to film the car driving in the countryside.

We have not finished the day yet. We are driving for the next scene.

John Bond and Tony are in the production office and are talking about philosophy and B movies.

The scene is set at Simon's house. We don't have to do a lot to transform it into a B movie producer office.

John Bond wants to work like the 'nouvelle vague'. He just means with the budget of the 'Nouvelle vague'.

That's enough for today. Now let's have some gin with Simon !

To be continued...